Diocesan Priest:1917 - 2022
Bukoba Diocese has a total of 266 Diocesan Priests ordained between 1917 and 2022 some of whom have been called by the Lord while others are working in the diocese and in other institutions outside the diocese. Bukoba has also given birth to 9 bishops: Laurean Cardinal Rugambwa (the first African Cardinal), Bishop Christopher Mwoleka, Bishop Gervase Nkalanga, Bishop Nestor Timanywa, Bishop Damian Kyaruzi, Bishop Methodius Kilaini, Bishop Desiderius Rwoma, Bishop Almachius Rweyongeza and Bishop Novatus Rugambwa - the Apostolic Nuncio to New Zeland.
Search Priests by year of ordination
Fr. Oscar Kyakaraba 1917 – 67
Fr. Wilbard Mupapi 1917 – 79
Fr. Ignatius Bonabaisi 1919 - 64
Fr. Tryphone Rwechungura 1922 – 79
Fr. Anatoli Kishombwa 1923 – 85
Fr. Johanes Bililabika 1923 -74
Fr. Primus Kabyemera 1926 – 64
Fr. Longinus Mutakyawa 1929 - 52
Fr. Andreas Tirugambirwa 1930 – 68
Fr. Jakobus Muhamba 1932 – 78
Msgr. Modestus Rwiza 1932 – 67
Fr. Fredrick Kato 1933 – 84
Fr. Melchiades Kazigo 1933 – 72
Fr. Jacob Mwenge 1935 – 88
Fr. Telesphor Kachubo 1935 – 63
Fr. A. Kiddawalime 1936 – 89
Fr. Johanes Ishengoma 1940 – 61
Fr. D. Kashangaki 1941 - 2013
Fr. Aloysius Mwesiga 1942 - 2010
Card. L Rugambwa 1943 – 97
Fr. Dominick Tinkagira 1943 – 83
Fr. Thomas Mayanja 1943 – 48
Fr. John Ngimbwa 1944 - 2013
Fr. Simeo Rwelengera 1945 – 60
Fr. Paschal Rutakulemberwa 1949 – 81
Fr. Johanes Ndibalema 1949 – 76
Bp Gervasius Nkalanga 1950 -
Fr. Henry Rwehikiza 1950 – 81
Fr. Paschal Bijango 1950 – 2002